ADM-201 Cost Effective Dumps & ADM-201 Complete Exam Dumps

ADM-201 Cost Effective Dumps & ADM-201 Complete Exam Dumps

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ADM-201 Exam Cost Effective Dumps & Valid ADM-201 Complete Exam Dumps Pass Success

All our experts are educational and experience so they are working at ADM-201 test prep materials many years. If you purchase our ADM-201 test guide materials, you only need to spend 20 to 30 hours' studying before exam and attend ADM-201 exam easily. You have no need to waste too much time and spirits on exams. As for our service, we support “Fast Delivery” that after purchasing you can receive and download our latest ADM-201 Certification guide within 10 minutes. So you have nothing to worry while choosing our ADM-201 exam guide materials.

Salesforce Certified Administrator Sample Questions (Q54-Q59):

Tab settings allow System Admin to customize which tabs are visible to users:

  • A. True
  • B. False

Answer: A

Can a user restrict access with the help of the sharing rules?

  • A. No
  • B. Yes

Answer: A

An analytics user at Cloud Kicks needs Read, Create, and Edit access for objects and should be restricted from deleting any records.
What should the administrator do to meet this requirement?

  • A. Assign the standard System Administrator profile to the analytics user.
  • B. Create and assign a permission set that includes Read, Create, and Edit access.
  • C. Give the user View All access and assign them to the highest role in the role hierarchy.
  • D. Create and assign a custom profile with Delete access removed for each object.

Answer: D

Ursa Major Solar wants to use the Salesforce approval process.
What are two characteristics that make a sales process a good fit for the Salesforce approval process?
(Choose two.)

  • A. There is an approval to a queue member for all Opportunities and an additional approval by a Sales VP for Opportunities over a certain amount.
  • B. The first level approval can be denied and automatically routed to the Sales VP for final approval.
  • C. There are approvals for all Opportunities by a Sales VP where a Sales VP is allowed to delegate their approval to someone else.
  • D. The approval manager is randomly assigned from a public group of managers, and there is a second approval by the Sales VP.

Answer: B,C

The administrator at universal containers has ascreen flow that helps users create new leads.
When lead source is "Search Engine", the administrator needs to require the user to choose a specific a search engine from a picklist. If lead source is not "Search Engine", this picklist should be hidden.
How should the administrator complete this requirement?

  • A. Configure a picklist for specific search engine, and use a validation rule to conditionally show only when lead source is "Search Engine"
  • B. Assign a decision element to direct the user to a second screen to hold specific search engine only when a lead source is "Search Engine".
  • C. Create a picklist for specific search engine, and set conditional visibility so that is only shown when lead source is "Search Engine".
  • D. Use an assignment element, one for when lead source is "Search Engine" and one for everything else.

Answer: C

To require users to choose a specific search engine from a picklist when lead source is "Search Engine", and hide it otherwise, the administrator should create a picklist for specific search engine on the same screen as lead source, and set conditional visibility so that it is only shown when lead source is "Search Engine". This will make sure that users see only relevant fields based on their input. A decision element will create an extra screen that may disrupt user experience. An assignment element willnot affect field visibility. A validation rule will not hide fields but only show errors when values are invalid. References:


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